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About the Center

Center for Business as Mission

Business as Mission (BAM) is an invitation to participate in profitable business as a means of leveraging the marketplace to create sustainable solutions for the common good of those in need both locally and globally.

From a theological perspective, BAM might also be thought of as a holy collision of business and mission, work and faith, and kingdom and culture.

Why Business as Mission?

We believe training students to see business with a missional framework will produce:

  • Sustainable impact upon global and local needs. Business as Mission is a proven strategy for serving the underserved through sustainable development, use of profit for impact, empowerment through job creation, and the formation of strategic partnerships.
  • Better equipped, more experienced, more creative, more globally engaged students. Students are engaged in a high level of experiential learning both locally and globally. This enables them to be better equipped in the local and global marketplace. Embedded in BAM is the discipline of Social Entrepreneurship. These disciplines require solving not only complex business problems but also social problems. Students practicing these disciplines naturally become highly skilled problem solvers who will be equipped to make a significant impact upon an organization.
  • Employees that contribute greater value to the workplace. Our students have a sense of purpose that goes deeper than just making an income for themselves.
  • An understanding of the upward trending market demand of social responsibility. 90% of global customers indicate that they make purchasing decisions based upon the social impact a business makes.

Conscious firms outperformed the overall stock market by a ratio of 10.5:1 over a 15 year period, delivering more than 1,600% total returns when the market was up just over 150% for the same period.


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