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Katherine L. Alsdorf

Senior Advisor, Redeemer City to City's Global Faith & Work Initiative

For the last 20 years Katherine has developed ministries to equip and mobilize professionals in all sectors to live out the gospel in every area of their work lives. She founded and directed Redeemer’s Center for Faith and Work (CFW) from 2002 to 2013. From 2015 to 2018 she established and led the New City Fellows program in Raleigh, NC. In 2019 she launched the Global Faith & Work Initiative at Redeemer City to City, which is helping churches in global cities better serve their congregants with the theological and spiritual foundations for work and equip them to serve as the church in all sectors of their cities.

The Gotham Fellowship, launched by CFW in 2008, has spawned Fellows programs for faith and work discipleship in 20 cities around the world. In 2012, she assisted Tim Keller in the writing of Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work, which serves as a basic textbook for the growing faith and work movement. She is adjunct faculty at Regent College in Vancouver and serves or has served on boards of Fellowship of the Performing Arts, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, the Theology of Work Project, International Arts Movement and The Carver Project. She was recognized as a Pioneer at the 2018 Faith & Work Summit.

Katherine began her career in the aerospace industry, supporting economic analyses of the Space Shuttle program, global positioning systems, and aircraft fire safe materials programs. After completing her MBA she moved to the private, technology sector. From 1992 to 2002, Katherine served as CEO of three innovative companies (hardware, software and Internet) – all market leaders in the video communications and distance learning space. She became a Christian at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in the early 90s, beginning a decades-long wrestling with God over how to lead faithfully as an adopted daughter of Christ.

Katherine received her BA from Wittenberg University, her MBA from the Darden School at the University of Virginia and has taken seminary classes from Regent College. She and her husband, John, reside in New York City.

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